How to retrieve your Bind ERP Company admin user API key.

How to retrieve your Bind ERP Company admin user API key.

Obtaining the API keys to integrate Bind ERP with ERPXtender is straightforward. The process can be repeated for any user within the Bind ERP platform.

Simply follow these steps to obtain it:

Get the API KEY for the admin user of your Bind ERP company:

  • Step 1: Access the Bind ERP admin panel with your company number, admin username, and password.

  • Step 2: In the upper right corner, you'll see the user profile icon. API KEY - Bind Home

  • Step 3: Click on the icon to display the dropdown menu, and then click on "Profile." API KEY - Profile

  • Step 4: In the user profile, the user should be "admin." API KEY - Profile Home

  • Step 5: Hover over the "Integrations" tab, and in the Bind API section, you will find your API Key. API KEY - Bind Key

  • Step 6: If you can't see your API key, you can generate a new one by entering the password of the "admin" user and then clicking on "Generate API Key."

  • Step 7: The API key typically begins with "eyJh......" and is a long text that contains encrypted information related to the company and user.

Copy the API KEY and use it in ERPXtender to associate it with your company.

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